mind the gap

07 October 2005

My year 8 group got a right bollocking today from the HoY and Head of Faculty. They were rotten yesterday. Will not blog about work but it was memorable and oooooooh was it fun to watch.

I came home to find the newsletter from church and jumped in the shower to get ready for tonight. Housemate and Spiderman left before me so I was home. ALONE. for like 30 minutes! And just now, I'm home alone. WHEEEEE!!!

My resolve not to drink is going well. I feel like such crap after a night out on the piss and it's bad for my depression. People understand I take medicine and can't drink but they always ask why I'm not drinking. After a few hours at the pub, sipping diet Pepsi got old so I walked home. I got about halfway down the high street and ran into a group of students. It sucks to live in the town where I work. I was glad I wasn't drinking though because I got the once over from them about where I was going, who I was with, etc. They were nice, even though I chase them out from behind the gym every Thursday at break like clockwork. Ah well. They were off to harass my colleagues left at the pub.
mind the gap