mind the gap

28 July 2005

Frank's off to Edinburgh to meet up with friends which is probably a good thing for both of us. Sitting around thinking drives me mad so it was good I kept busy today.

I spent the day with Laura and the peanut. He's getting SO BIG. He reminded me that I'm his favourite auntie by spitting up on me 3 different times. Aren't you jealous?!! All his cuteness makes the puking up ok. We didn't do much, just walked down to the FedEx centre to pick up a package, came home and had yummy pasta. Then we walked across the street to the community centre where some friends of Lau's were doing a drumming class. It was cool to hear all the tribal beats. By the time we went home, Peanut was sleeping and we had time to chat.. for about 5 minutes before he demanded to be fed. Ah, babies!

Lau drifted off nursing him and I just sat and enjoyed the silence. Marco came home and they were nice enough to drive me home so I didn't have to take the bus. The highlight of the trip was Laura pumping in the car. Yes, in the car. It was one of those quintessential Laura moments. "My boobs need to be emptied! I don't care if anyone sees me!" There's nothing like the sound of the electric pump (pe-lo-ta, pe-lo-ta) to calm everyone in London traffic. Heh.

Today's my mom's birthday. I wish I could be there to celebrate with them. They'll enjoy being at the cabin for the weekend.
mind the gap