mind the gap

12 April 2006

I didn't get the 2nd job I interviewed for last week. Oh well. I didn't think I would get it so that's that. I really want to be in Sacramento anyway. My previous school here wants me to come back too so if I find nothing else, I'll go back there. SO DON'T WANT THAT.

Update on the ongoing family trust saga... we heard the counter-proposal from F's attorney today and got financial statements. Basically, she's burned through over $80,000 in 6 years and borrowed $91,000 against the house. She also needs us to pay her attorney's fees and $30,000 for a new car and dental work. How someone burns through that kind of money in 6 years, with an income of over $2,000 a month I HAVE NO IDEA. But there is no way in hell she will get another penny. Her attorney doesn't want to represent her anymore but she begged him to stay on. She agreed to rent a new property instead of insisting on us buying her a new house and the deed of the property will return to what it was in 2003 before she illegally changed it.
mind the gap