mind the gap

05 March 2007

So the weekend was supposed to be spent grading papers. Because I'm behind. Like reeeeeeeeeeeeeally behind and the quarter ends on the 16th. But on Friday, I mowed the lawn and ran over 2 sprinkler heads that needed some DAD! attention.

My parents came over on Saturday afternoon so my dad could fix the sprinkler heads. And then it evolved into pulling weeds and pruning and then a discussion about the poor state of my back fence.

Sunday was work day. Allllllllll day work day. Like I have a sunburn now and oh my gosh my legs are sore work day. We cut down 3 trees in the back, added 3 new fenceposts, dug up weeds and hauled away more limbs and crap than I thought was back there. I planted 5 new rose bushes and that was only 1/2 the yard. There's still one big flower bed to weed and new trees to buy.

I needed to come back to work just to get some rest.
mind the gap