mind the gap

04 June 2005

I won't take my 'involuntary' transfer laying down. There's nothing I can do to fight it so I spent my day posting over 45 CVs for teaching jobs all over the UK. I hate feeling like someone has gotten one over on me so I'm bound and determined to either find another job with MORE money and better benefits or figure out another way to settle in the UK. Now comes more waiting to see if I get any interviews.

Damnit, I should ring up that guy from the street and ask him if he wants to get married. I'd get my FLR!

Still have a cold. Still have a cough. Still have a cold with a cough. At least I got out today and accomplished quite a bit on the job hunt. Tomorrow, I must work on my school development paper and sort out my research outline for my PhD application. Time to buckle down!
mind the gap